Mozart’s classical music may be considered “a supplemental therapeutic option” to lessening seizures in those with epilepsy.
Negative thinkers, age 55 and older, are more likely to experience declines in cognition and memory.
Experts suggest that depression, anxiety and PTSD may be better treated with fixes to social problems instead of drugs.
A lack of quality sleep gave rise to more days of poor physical and mental health, among other health problems.
The greatest increase in such visits was among girls ages 15 to 17, mostly related to substance use and self-harm.
The med addresses the difficulty feeling pleasure and other emotions that characterize this mental disorder.
Experts found that Americans filled more prescriptions for antidepressants, anti-anxiety and anti-insomnia drugs.
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Children who don’t get enough sleep are more likely to suffer from psychiatric disorders, such as anxiety, depression and ADHD.
A bot named Clara helps Americans determine whether they need medical care for COVID-19.
A psychologist offers tips to stay clearheaded
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